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Webster defines motivation as “the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something, the act or process of motivating someone the condition of being eager to act or work, the condition of being motivated.” fitness and taking care of one’s health is hard work. staying motivated to continue taking care of yourself is even harder.
So how do you stay motivated? What motivates you to keep going, never give up and press on further? maybe you just need to hear one much more inspirational quote to get you off of your butt and start moving. What motivates me to keep going? For me it is a very personal story that began on Thanksgiving 2012. We were going to my in-law’s and I was under a lot of tension from the long 15 hour drive to Sacramento, and the upcoming Christmas season. I wasn’t prepared for what was going to happen on the day we were expected to leave to go home.The van was all packed up and it was time to leave but I was in excruciating pain. My stomach and mid section felt like it was tied in knots and I did not know why. It hurt so bad I could not even walk. I had spent the previous months worrying about my children and spouse and forgot about myself.I ate every benefit food I could get my hands on, working out was out of the question. I chose I just did not have time and the kids would come first. Boy was I ever wrong! I ended up staying in the medical facility overnight in Sacramento. I underwent all kinds of tests but the doctors did not know what was causing my pain. All they knew was that my Liver enzymes were elevated and without pain killers I couldn’t eat nor walk. The following day I managed to convince them to let me go so I could see my doctor here in Spokane.I don’t know how I put up with the pain during that 15 hour drive back home. It was the longest 15 hours of my entire life. Once back home I was hospitalized again and the next set of doctors did the same tests. All they identified was that I had a virus that caused my liver enzymes to rise. After a couple of weeks the pain went away. but the memories will stay with me forever.When I was sick my whole life was put on hold. My parents dropped everything and flew out to help so Chris could go back to work. I learned a important lesson from that experience. I should take care of my own health first or I will be unable to take care of those I love. That lesson keeps me motivated to continue to eat clean, exercise, and press on further. What motivates you?Don’t forget to leave your link if you are participating in fitness Friday.Next week’s fitness Friday blogging prompt is: Progress. What is your progress so far? how are you doing with your goals? Share any fitness suggestions that have helped you get closer to your goals.Never give up! Please check out the following blogs who co-host fitness Friday along with The healthy mothers magazine each week:Chandra Sullivan – Spark Your MotivationTere Scott – Teachable Scott Tots HomeschoolDanielle Nabozny – Lip Gloss and yoga PantsLisa Belanger – Inspire Me WellMaryann Mitchell – It’s Not Food, It’s MeAngela Barnets – fit PersonifiedWendi Barker – Wendi’s book CornerLacey Baker – love Lacey 365
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Η Cascia Talbert είναι ένας πολυάσχολος blogger και μητέρα πέντε παιδιών, που ζουν στο Spokane, WA. Με B.A. in history and law and a passion for writing and staying healthy, she started The healthy mothers Magazine in 2007. The healthy mothers magazine is currently ranked the top health blog for moms. Η κ. Talbert πιστεύει ότι εάν οι μητέρες είναι καλά μορφωμένες σε θέματα υγείας και πώς να παραμείνουν υγιείς, μπορούν να περάσουν αυτές τις πληροφορίες στα παιδιά τους και να αντιστρέψουν τα στατιστικά στοιχεία της παχυσαρκίας στην παιδική ηλικία στις Η.Π.Α.
Ms. Talbert runs the Healthy mothers Social Network on Ning, is the founder of Healthy mothers Media, and is the chief marketing officer for Talbert Nutrition LLC. Μπορείτε να την ακολουθήσετε στο και
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